Saturday, December 4, 2010

maybe our mistakes are what make our fate

Who is to say that when you fall in love things should be simple or easy. to fight is natural right? or is that just me? you know you have it bad when you look at the person who will treat you right and who will love you like no other and you realize... you realize that you could care less... you realize that that one person who you wish to hell would just drop off the planet is the only person you will ever be happy with again... and the worst pain of all? loving someone so dearly and they could care less that your even breathing...

i just wish you would understand what you do to me.. i just wish you could see life thru my eyes and believe just for a second that im not the monster you believe me to be... maybe things don't always turn out right and maybe we can hit the lowest lows... but you also make me feel like the happiest person in the world like im on top of the world like im floating in the sky. the thought of you loving another the way i love you... it kills me to even think it... my mind it bends and warps but i still can't grasp how you could walk away from something so strong just because.. you refuse to make it work and there is only so many things i can change before im just a fake.

So honestly... why is it that only females beat themselves senseless trying to change for the ones they love? Why are we always wrong even though it's a mutual fuck up? Why can't we compromise? Why can't we just be who we used to be?

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