Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I was diagnosed as being in love. the medicine is you. the addiction is awesome. the withdrawal is hell

sitting here while your sleeping it makes me wonder... makes me wonder why i keep letting this happen why i keep letting you pull me back in... i love you.. i will always love you... but no one should have to wonder day by day if they will be loved in return. im not sure how to go about saying no and officially severing the ties because in the same breath i know i'll never be able to live without you. there is nothing i can say. nothing i can do to make this easier for either of us... and your the only one i will ever think about in this light. to take that away is just harsh and cruel... but such is the world. such is life. maybe one day you'll look back and realize that i really was the one... but i only hope that revelation doesn't come too late. until either i lose my faith or you realize the truth im stuck in this fucked up limbo... one that drives me insane... one that taunts me at every corner. i remember the good times and the bad... but in the end none of it matters because it all comes back down to you...

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