Friday, December 3, 2010

The backdrop part one.

I guess i should have known it was going to end like this.. I mean come on how many people actually stay with their high school loves? You live some you learn some. Sitting around at home i wonder to myself how i should go about moving on so i figured why not try blogging? Soooo here it goes....

I always knew life wasn't fair but come on there is only SO much that can go wrong at once isn't there? Life isn't horrible by far but like most people, well life could be better right? Twenty one years old and a single mother trying to find sanity, what i want to do with my life and most importantly of all? The illusive 'one'.

I have been around seen things done things that maybe i shouldn't have but that's the point of being a teenager is it not? And hey i made it out largely unscathed. After all i can successfully say that i skipped teen parenting (barely, but i made it). Now that i have hit my twenties, had a beautiful baby boy, and lost the only guy i ever truly loved well i figure my life needs a little reevaluating.

The child, three months and some odd days he's a perfect little child (isn't that what all mothers say right?). But no really, he's incredibly laid back and happy which is a huge relief to me because i have no idea what i would do if i had had a little terror seeing as before him i'd never even held a child. Baby daddy (not the guy i believed to be the love of my life) never around... but we can save that story for a rainy day. Kaden my little man =]

The heartbreaker, the reason im starting this blog. Partially to bash on because i've hit the bitter stage of the whole situation. Zach the average male, but for some damn reason he has my heart and believe me, I want that back. I'm starting to firmly believe that he lost it somewhere back down the long long road we have traveled so he can't actually give it back to me. Now words will always be exchanged between him and i as long as we speak. And who knows maybe some day i can change his name from heartbreaker to something more acceptable to the teen girl in me that wants to spend my days wallowing because he left.

My aim? To give people laughs and something to chew over when they have a spare minute or two.

1 comment:

  1. I love you and your not alone. High school sweethearts dont really stick around any more... that is too gentlemen-like and lets face it they both are no where near that. I know and understand you bitterness way too much... might have a lot to do withme being your other half. but I have been there and it suck. Im not guna tell you the scar is guna disappear but i will tell u, It will hurt a little less in the future and the scar will always be there but it will fade and it will just help to make you strong enough to help you getting through this world. Little man will help you threw this world as well becuz he is a part of you, you will be a great mother and i will be there to help you since the day i met you and to the end I love you and you truely are my other half
